you and I...

20 månader idag älskling.
du är mitt allt och jag lämnar aldrig din sida, vad som än händer. du är allt  jag någonsin önskat mig!  jag skulle inte kunna ha någon bättre, du är allt jag behöver.
utan dig är jag inget annat än ren luft, jag är en låga som brinner och jag behöver dig för att fortsätta brinna, försvinner du så släcks lågan och tänds aldrig igen.

I have loved you for so long
Can't imagine myself with another
You're so much a part of me
You're inside me
I wanna be good enough for you
In everything I do
Don't u ever set me free
I'd rather be locked up in your arms
Can't You see
There's no place I would rather be
I'll go wherever your loves takes me

Cause you were meant for me
As I was meant for you
You were meant for me
Together we will always be
Cause you were meant for me
You were meant for me

My love gets stronger day by day
Strong enough to stand the test of time
And even when times were rough
We were tough enough
There's nothing I can't do
With you I'll see life through
No one else can make me feel
So good with your love so real
Nothing else can ever replace
Your kisses and your warm embrace

I love yo so much, baby
You just drive me crazy
I'm hooked on your lovin' touch
with you this life's worth living
For you I'll keep on trying
I'll never ever let you down

I'll keep holding on


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